Program Path

Program Path

Program Path

A Program Path is a unique program to support you in having a significant shift. Each Program Path is a combination of coaching sessions, classes, events, retreats, and online modules that will guide you towards achieving your dreams and goals.  

This is our passion. Every Program Path has been created to move you in a new direction, in a particular area of your life. We start with a general structure. But, the course is orchestrated and uniquely designed for you. When you first inquire about a Program Path you will receive a complementary consultation with one of our Certified Coaches. This consultation will help us understand what challenges you are facing. From this session, we will design your unique path. This will consist of a combination of classesprivate sessionsworkshops, and retreats. Your unique Path will have you stepping toward the life of your dreams. 

Each Path will be structured so that it is achievable based on the following parameters: How much time you have to spend on it each week, your budget, and how quickly you want to see results in your life.

As you progress along your Program Path you will have benchmarks to keep you motivated and knowing you are making progress. You will also have check-in times with your coach and/or meet in a group with others on a similar path.

Some of our signature Program Paths are:

  • Unleashing Your Genius
  • Stepping into Your Genius
  • Joyful Life
  • Deeper Connection
  • Health and Vitality
  • Vibrant Relationships
  • Manifest Your Dreams
  • Breath of Life

Stepping into Your Genius:

I know you are ready to step into Your Genius. You have been playing small for too long. You were taught at a young age to real yourself in, so you don’t upset the status quo. But now, you know that was an illusion intended to keep you safe but it is squelching the life out of you. It’s time to embrace your unique essence and step into what you are here to create. To boldly step into your True Nature and Purpose and create a Life you Love, a Life worth Living full out. 

You will Experience:

  • How to move from the Problem-Solving Orientation to Creative Orientation (where your easily manifest your dreams)
  • Aligning with your True Nature and Purpose
  • Uncovering what is blocking you
  • A Revolutionary new process called Magnetic Mind Recode. Recoding the outgrown limitations,  so you can easily flow to your Dreams
  • Become a Conscious Creator
  • Connection with others who are embracing their True Nature and Purpose and creating a Life they Love

Are you ready to step into deeper connections in all parts of your life? 


Joyful Life:

Are you ready to embrace a joyful life?

We are at our core Joyful, loving beings. Your life may have been very challenging up until now. But know, you can have joy. What would be joyful in your life, is unique to you. Joy can feel like a gentle breeze or like a happy puppy or anything in between. Whatever it is for you, this path will lead you to experience more and more joy.   

The first step is uncovering the Joy inside of you. Being able to tap into that joy, no matter what the outer circumstances are. This takes both practice and a mind shift. Uncovering that true joy inside will be a process. It’s a process of removing the layers of conditioning, unintegrated trauma and emotions, beliefs, and habits. We will talk about these as “the Layers”. While you clear these layers, you will begin to create new habits and ways of moving through the world that align with your inner joy. 

The second step is to manifest the external experience of a Joyful Life. What do you want your life to look like? What do you want to do and with whom? How do you want your relationships to be? 

Are you ready to tap into that Joy whenever you want?

If so, it’s time to take the first step on your journey to a Joyful Life.


I came here very stuck. I leaving reborn, transformed with new possibilities. Endless possibilities! And Joy in my heart. Love in my heart. And deeply grateful for all the support and help. ~ Glenda

Deeper Connection:

As humans, we crave real connections. It is easy in this modern life to feel disconnected. We are hard-wired to connect with one another and to the Infinite. (Source, Spirit, God, Higher Self, or any other name you are comfortable with). Yet it can feel challenging to get this need met. Often, this need for authentic connection goes unnurtured. Depending upon your culture, family, religion, or any other influences, you may have been taught that your unique expression was not valued. So, showing up authentically may feel awkward or vulnerable. It takes courage as well as a healthy community to create these deep authentic connections.

This Program Path will support you in:

  • Experiencing your connection with the Infinite
  • Becoming comfortable with your uniqueness
  • Nurturing your connection with yourself
  • Nurturing your connection with others
  • Deepening your connection in the present moment

Are you ready to step into deeper connections in all parts of your life? 


What I got from it was a profound connection to all that is. What more could you want? ~ Kate


Health & Vitality

If you suffer mentally, emotionally, or physically the rest of life becomes more challenging. Have you been searching for the answers and deeply wanting a change in your condition? This path will guide you in creating Health and Vitality

People who have walked this path of healing often say it has been a huge blessing. What they thought was their biggest problem ended up being their greatest gift.

With a serious illness, it sometimes takes a team of skilled professionals to support you on your journey to health. We would be honored to be part of your team.

Are you ready to embark on your Journey to creating Health and Vitality? We’re here for you. 


Everything is moving freely and I have no pain! I had an appointment with my Osteopath;

she has worked on me for the past three years and I credit her interventions with the fact that I have not needed surgery since 2013. I was in rough shape when I first went to see her; I had developed significant amounts of scar tissue in my abdomen as a result of traumatic pregnancy and deliveries. I have had multiple surgeries and it creates a bit of a catch 22 as the scar tissue and adhesions growth leads to surgery for correction and then that creates new scar tissue where additional adhesions will develop. I felt like I was in a never ending loop of pain. My Osteopath was able to massage my organs through visceral massage and separate them from the scar tissue working from the outside, eliminating the need for surgery. I saw her every six weeks and there was always a lot to work on, I thought this was what I would need to do to manage the issue for the rest of my life.

She always checks my energy and internal balance at the beginning of a session while I am standing and then I lay down for the procedure. She was very pleased with my balance and when she asked me to lay down and started examining my abdomen…this went on for about ten minutes and then she stopped. She said “ok, what’s going on? What have you done? You are a totally different person in there!”

Everything is moving freely and I have no pain. This is the first session in three years that I have not had to direct her to an area of extreme discomfort so that she could gently separate my organs from each other.

I told her about the Breathwork…what it is meant to do and how it worked on me. She was blown away and simple said “well, that just verifies something I have always known…we can do everything in our power to physically help someone but until they address the spiritual and emotional scars we are only patching them up…you are proof of that!” ~ Loryanne S


Are you ready to embrace the life of your dreams?

In this program, you will dive deep into exploring how to manifest and how to create miracles in your own life.

There are many beliefs, concepts, and programs that have been instilled in us through the collective consciousness, family, school, religion, and more. Similar to old, outdated computer programs, that make your computer sluggish, these programs are subconsciously operating in the background. Only 5% of what we think is conscious and 95% is unconscious. These programs are running our lives. We make the majority of our decisions and changes in life-based on these unconscious programs. When these programs are not too deeply ingrained, mind over matter can work. But when the programs are deeply ingrained it takes more than mind over matter. It takes a shift in consciousness. 

On this Path, you will learn the tools, techniques, and practices to bring your dreams into reality.


Mind Blowing, I encourage everyone to come. ~ Cindy S


Do you want richer, more loving relationships?

Do you get triggered easily in certain circumstances?

The Relationship Path is a dynamic, playful way to clear out the clutter that limits your relationships. Life is relationship. We are always relating to someone or something. We become limited in relationship by layers of unprocessed trauma, emotions, beliefs, and programs. 

As you integrate these layers, there is space for you to lovingly nurture vibrant relationships. When these layers begin to clear, there is more ease in learning new relationship skills. These skills will affect all areas of your life. Bringing more ease, joy, and fulfillment into your life.

As you walk your path of Vibrant Relationships you will foster healthier relationships with yourself, family, lover, children, work, and friends. All of your relationships will benefit from your journey on this path. 

We have created a special weekend retreat called Breathing into Relationships to support you on your journey to vibrant relationships.

I feel it is bringing new heart openness into my life. I am really grateful.

I experienced a deeper level of integration of things in my subconscious and psyche than I have ever experienced before.  I highly recommend it for anybody. Stick with it, make a mental commitment. It will change your life in some really awesome ways. ~ Ryan