
What is Breathwork?

Breathwork refers to many different types of breathing exercises or techniques.  Each type has a specific intention. During a session, you intentionally and consciously change your breathing pattern.  People often perform breathwork to improve mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. 

Breathing is a beautiful gift, in that it is both involuntary and voluntary. For instance, we can breathe for an entire life and never think about it at all.  That’s a gift!  Secondly, we can choose to focus our attention on our breathing and consciously change it’s the rate, depth, and direction. In doing so, we can affect many positive changes on all levels of our being.  


One major benefit of Breathwork is learning to use your diaphragm.  We use Transformational Breath® because it focuses on teaching you, and training you to use your diaphragm and your entire breathing apparatus, very effectively.

1 Minute Breath Practice

This is part of a series of 1 Minute Breathing Exercises. This video supports you in taking a few Full Breaths.

This is part of a series of 1 Minute Breathing Exercises. In this video, we will practice the Box Breath. The Box Breath is where we Inhale, Pause, Exhale, Pause in equal amounts of time. We will be doing each segment for the count of  4.

Full Breath & Meditation Practice

The Smiling Breath was inspired by a quote from Thich Nat Hanh “Breathing in, I feel strong emotions. Breathing out, I smile. I stay with my breathing so I won’t lose myself.” We use the breath to focus on the feelings. Feeling how we experience them in the body. Letting them move through us. Then smiling as we exhale. Smiling releases chemicals in the brain that increases the release of the chemicals of dopamine and serotonin. Dopamine is the happiness hormone and serotonin decreases stress. So when we smile while we are allowing emotions to be felt and there is a shift that happens. One of our students at this class said, “I had been irritated for a couple of days and as I was breathing and feeling it was intense, but then I started to smile on the exhale, and it all dissipated. It was really incredible.” The Peace, Joy, and Gratitude Meditation is a wonderful way to cultivate these higher emotions. As we become curious about what they feel like and relax into the feeling of the emotions, we come into a deep sense of these elevated emotions. When we rest in these elevated emotions it is easier to create. It is easier to call to us, that which we love. Thus increasing peace, joy, and gratitude in our lives.


I had tried different kinds of breathwork over the years but never stayed with it till I started doing Transformational Breath. ~ Steve P


At Infinite We, we use Transformational Breath® as the most powerful breathwork for healing and transformation. Transformational Breath combines powerful circular breathing with coaching, hands-on bodywork, sound, positioning, and movement.