
Transformational Breath® is an Integrative Breathwork System that can have a profound effect on your life. It is a way to open your entire breathing apparatus, giving you access to more oxygen and life force energy.   A full and open breath will enhance and accelerate any breath practice that you do.  Transformational Breath is the most effective modality, that we know of, for opening the breath.

Throughout life we accumulate experience, thought patterns and habits, that are stressful. These stresses show up as restrictions in our breathing. They also limit how we move through life. In time, they can affect our health, mental and emotional wellbeing, and our relationships. As the restrictions in our breath are released using Transformational Breath, these patterns get integrated. Thus, freeing us from these old patterns. Bringing more joy, peace, and abundance into our lives.

Coaches have many different areas of expertise. For example, health and wellness, goal setting, lifestyle, manifestation, relationship, as well as, trauma recovery and spiritual growth. These specific focuses give your coach a wealth of information to specifically and expertly address and guide you in areas of self-inquiry.

Your coach can help you clarify your intentions, desires and goals. They may recommend exercises, practices, tasks, classes, events or private session to assist you in attaining your desired outcome.

You and your Coach align to create a powerful plan of action. In addition, they help you refine and maintain your focus.

In short, your Coach will be a powerful ally on your quest for freedom.

Meditation is the ancient art and practice of stilling the mind and contemplation. There are many benefits to meditation. Here are just a few:

  1. Calming the mind
  2. De-stressing
  3. Spiritual awareness
  4. Deeper connection
  5. Health
  6. Balance
  7. Wholeness
  8. Manifestation
  9. Healing

We offer several styles of meditation and classes that are all deeply beneficial.

Sound healing is the use of different sounds to affect a positive change on all levels of your being.

You will find Sound healing to be deeply relaxing. As the sounds wash over your body your body relaxes and the mind slows down. As the nervous system relaxes our bodies naturally move into a state of healing and wholeness.

“Scientists now know that everything is vibration (energy). The denser the mass, the lower the vibration. As the high vibrations of the gong meet the lower vibrations of your body, they do what’s called entrainment – they meet you where you are, then match, and then raise your vibration, which helps to release things that are stuck in your body, like emotions, feelings, negative thoughts, and even pains & illnesses.”  –  Teri Wilder


Conscious movement is embodied awareness. The way our bodies communicate with us is through sensation and movement. When we give ourselves the space to listen deeply and allow the movements of the body to unfold, magic happens. There can be a release of deeply held tension and stress. There can be an opening to stillness and the wisdom of inner peace. When we give our bodies space, permission, and attention to freely move there is an empowered wholeness that emerges.


Breath is the key to life. In many languages Breath and Spirit are the same word. Lets explore the many gifts of Breathwork:

Transformational Breath®: A powerful, integrative, breathing process.

Pranayama: Yogic breath. Using breath control to bring about desired results.

Breath Meditation: In this Breath Meditation we will guide you in following the sensations to release and clear stress, trauma, pain and emotional density.

Energy Center Breathwork: A Unique Breath practice to clear, open and energize our Energy Centers (Chakras).

In a healing session you will receive a rich experience of deep support and transformation. During your Healing Session your therapist will listen intently to what you need.  Then they will collaborate with your body, energy, and mind to unravel tension, trauma, and injury. Allowing your whole being to relax and rejuvenate.

We provide the following Healing sessions;


The meaning of yoga is union; to connect, join, or balance. When we practice yoga, we are connecting with our innate wisdom, the stillness within. We are creating a union between the limited self and the infinite self.  The poses, or asanas, help us come into balance and wholeness. We use the body, breath, and focus as instruments to connect us to our inner knowing. 

You can practice yoga for many reasons: Health, balance, inner peace, de-stressing, relaxation, strength, or deeper connection. Whatever your reason for joining us, we have a great class for you.